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Phrase 07 | I am attractive.
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mippum 페이퍼
How to use
Phrase 01 | I am cool.
Phrase 02 | I am great.
Phrase 03 | I am awesome.
Phrase 04 | I am lucky.
Phrase 05 | I am handsome.
Phrase 06 | I am lovely.
Phrase 07 | I am attractive.
Phrase 08 | I believe in my power.
Phrase 09 | I firmly believe in myself and my abilities.
Phrase 10 | I believe that I am a powerful creator.
Phrase 11 | I am grateful to be breathing now.
Phrase 12 | I am so grateful for everything around me.
Phrase 13 | I believe that the more I have a grateful heart, the more things to be grateful for.
Phrase 14 | I am happy.
Phrase 15 | I pursue my happiness.
Phrase 16 | I pursue my pleasure.
Phrase 17 | I pursue my freedom.
Phrase 18 | I pursue my success.
Phrase 19 | I am worthy.
Phrase 20 | I am worthy of love and happiness.
Phrase 21 | I am worthy of all the blessings in my life.
Phrase 22 | I am worthy of all the good things that comes my way.
Phrase 23 | I truly love myself.
Phrase 24 | I am worthy of love and respect from others.
Phrase 25 | I am worthy of self-care and self-love.
Phrase 26 | I am strong and resilient.
Phrase 27 | I am grateful for the abundance in my life.
Phrase 28 | I am grateful for the abundance of opportunities in my life.
Phrase 29 | I am grateful for the gift of life.
Phrase 30 | I am grateful for the lessons life has taught me.
Phrase 31 | I am a source of love and joy.
Phrase 32 | I am surrounded by love and support.
Phrase 33 | I am a vessel of love and compassion.
Phrase 34 | I like myself so much.
Phrase 35 | My life is going the way I want it to.
Phrase 36 | I am at peace with who I am.
Phrase 37 | I am at peace with my past and excited for my future.
Phrase 38 | I am a source of inspiration for others.
Phrase 39 | I am a source of positivity and kindness.
Phrase 40 | I believe in myself and my abilities.
Phrase 41 | I radiate positivity and attract good things.
Phrase 42 | I trust in my journey and the path ahead.
Phrase 43 | I am confident in my abilities.
Phrase 44 | I am confident in my ability to achieve my goals.
Phrase 45 | I am confident in my decisions.
Phrase 46 | I am confident in my decision-making abilities.
Phrase 47 | I am a magnet for positive energy.
Phrase 48 | I am a magnet for positive opportunities.
Phrase 49 | I am a magnet for success and prosperity.
Phrase 50 | I am open to new opportunities and experiences.
Phrase 51 | I am open to receiving abundance and blessings from the universe.
Phrase 52 | I am open to receiving all the good that life has to offer.
Phrase 53 | I am open to the infinite possibilities of the universe.
Phrase 54 | I am a beacon of light and hope.
Phrase 55 | I am a conduit for positive energy.
Phrase 56 | I am a conscious creator of my reality.
Phrase 57 | I am a positive influence on those around me.
Phrase 58 | I am constantly evolving and growing.
Phrase 59 | I am a shining example of authenticity.
Phrase 60 | I am a unique and valuable individual.
Phrase 61 | I am aligned with my higher self.
Phrase 62 | I am capable of overcoming any challenge.
Phrase 63 | I am connected to the wisdom of the universe.
Phrase 64 | I am deserving of success and abundance.
Phrase 65 | I am fearless in the pursuit of my dreams.
Phrase 66 | I am free from self-doubt and insecurity.
Phrase 67 | I am free from self-limiting beliefs.
Phrase 68 | I am free from the burdens of the past.
Phrase 69 | I am guided by my inner wisdom.
Phrase 70 | I am in alignment with my true purpose.
Phrase 71 | I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.
Phrase 72 | I am in harmony with the universe.
Phrase 73 | I am in tune with my intuition.
Phrase 74 | I am resilient and capable of bouncing back from setbacks.
Phrase 75 | I am thankful for the challenges that have made me stronger.
Phrase 76 | I am the architect of my own destiny.
Phrase 77 | I can mourn all the unfulfilled needs that have left me frustrated.
Phrase 78 | Bad things are momentary, and good things are routine.
Phrase 79 | No one can ignore me.
Phrase 80 | I love myself as much as I love the person I love.
Appendix | TTS only